Gardening always comes across as a relaxing hobby that puts you "at one with nature," unless of course you aren't quite sure what you're doing. If you're trying to start gardening as a hobby, it may be best to start with an indoor garden.
Some tips for
getting started

Pick a Spot
To start your indoor garden, you must first decide where you're going to set it up. While the obvious choice seems like a windowsill, you also don't want to push your plants against the window - too much heat or cold air can be damaging. Do your best to find a middle ground that is spacious and has just enough light and moisture.
Decide What You Want to Grow
While an indoor garden doesn't limit your options of what to grow, there are some distinct plants and herbs that are more suited for indoor gardening and are less maintenance.
Aloe vera plants are extremely popular for indoor gardens because they don't need a lot of water and are considered low light plants, meaning they can thrive in indirect sunlight and can stand cooler temperatures. A big plus is that you don't have to change the container - pretty much ever, so you can just remove the leaves as the plant grows. Aloe vera is great to have on hand for cuts and scrapes, as well as to mix with moisturizers. Hello, self-sufficient skin care!
You can also choose to grow your favorite produce - popular choices among indoor gardeners include strawberries, tomatoes, and avocados. If you're more of a flower person, try growing a peace lily or any jade plant - commonly referred to as money plants.
Get the Proper Equipment & Materials
Even though you can walk into a store and purchase a plant already in a pot, seemingly ready to place in your window; you should consider splurging on proper equipment and materials if you're serious about making your indoor garden a success
Leave Some Room to Bloom
The proper pot size can make a big difference to healthy root development. If you select a pot that is too small, the roots will become tangled and damaged. Pots should also have proper drainage to avoid excess water from surrounding the roots. Keep in mind, most pots that have a drainage feature may not be as aesthetically pleasing as you wish, so you may need to "double pot" your plant and have a decorative one on the outside to act as a catch basin.
Soil for Support
Potting soil is meant to be fluffier than traditional topsoil (which is typically used in outdoor gardens) and is therefore a must-have for your new indoor dream garden. Potting soils are better for drainage and will provide your plants with the proper nutrition they need. In some instances, you may also want to fertilize your plants - but only do this when they're actively growing, or you will overfeed them.
Let the Sun Shine
Even though house plants are meant for low light, depending on how your home is aligned with regard to sunlight, you may see your plant's growth go stagnant. In this case, you can consider purchasing grow lights. Grow lights provide a boost of heat and UV rays to help your plants grow. These lights are available in an array of designs, sizes, and colors.
You may not think of yourself as having a “green thumb,” but an indoor garden is a wonderful way to introduce yourself to plants, nature, and the world of gardening. At the end of the day, there's always some green paint you can just dip your thumb into for dramatics!
Stay Green,